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Your project (and the state it is in or where you wish for it to be) will determine how best to communicate what is needed.


CZMaestro’s comprehensive consulting services often exist within the development of your project, but it can also be a completely independent for-hire service.

In a creative setting quite often CZMaestro is hired to examine your project in detail (business plan, script, speech, song, show, recording, etc.) and present a packet full of constructively critical and positive information as well as a recommended course of action. Depending on what your project is will depend on how both the consultation and recommended courses of action are presented.

In some cases the packet is strictly text. In others the packet will include multi-media, recorded audio files, links for reference, advice from other trusted professionals, statistical information to consider, trusted studies in business and psychology, demographic tendencies, etc.

Your project (and the state it is in or where you wish for it to be) will determine how best to communicate what is needed.

After the formal consulting phase is completed, if you wish to engage further with CZMaestro to implement the presented ideas, a meeting discussing the options of approach will be scheduled in order to write up budgets and make proactive decisions.

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For additional information on services provided like consulting, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly.

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